Tuesday, April 5, 2011

The disabled need love too

Love! For such a short and easy word it probably has the most weight to it. We say it so often and so easily and yet do we really know it or understand it?

Love on its own has enough gravity but when you add unconditional to it, it goes to a whole new level. Love to define it in the simplest possible way is a principle of doing to another as you would want to be done unto you.

Unconditional would then be doing to another as you would want done unto you, regardless of their circumstances or condition or even how they might treat you. love on its own is a heavy enough principle and unconditional love becomes other-worldly.

Though we fail most of the time at practicing this deep principle, we all desire it and I can only imagine what kind of world this would be if we practiced it as we would like unto ourselves.

Real Love is divine and unconditional love is even moreso. Naturally we love those who are good to us or close to us but to practice the same towards strangers at the same level is divine. It takes something out of ourselves and is unnatural for us, as is written:

Beloved, let us love one another: for love is of God; and every one that loveth is born of God, and knoweth God. 1 John 4:7.

To love another as we would like to be loved regardless of their condition or how they treat us in return is really divine and is not something that we can do naturally on our own. Love does to another as one would want to be treated while love unconditional does not look at condition, state, circumstances, etc.

I have been skirting around what is really on my heart, what I really want to talk about. The last time i was talking about people with disabilities, that they need love too. They are no less different from you and I. We all have hearts and we all need love the same.

Love is an ideal which we all desire in our lives. To love or be loved unconditionally is something that i would like myself and to be able to do myself. but i realize that it is something that only God by his power can help us to do. We can not do it on our own. Just as much as we desire unconditional love, they desire it too.

I was thinking about the struggles that some are facing. They do not open up to others as much as they would like, not that they do not want to be loved, but because they are afraid of being rejected. That is painful, to be unable to open up and be open to be loved because of fear of rejection.

The sad fact is that many do go through rejection and some might even lose hope of being loved and to be able to find another to spend the rest of their lives with. They face challenges and burdens that I don't fully understand myself as I am saying these things based on what I think or imagine.

This has just been burning on my mind because imagining myself in their shoes, I would want to be loved unconditionally, regardless of the situation. It would be painful to be rejected based on one's circumstances. I know that it would really be painful to me.

None of us are exempt and these things can happen to anyone.  We all know deep down in our hearts that we would still want to be loved unconditionally and to be accepted as before. if we realize this, I hope that it changes our perspective on the challenges these people go through. That we love and accept them just as much as we would want if we would be in their shoes.

The other thing is that when a man and a woman echange vows, they promise to love and be there for each other no matter the circumstances, whether in sickness or in health, for richer or for poorer. But love out of our natural hearts is impossible and thus does not last. That's why vows are broken and marriages come to an end, even though vows were made before God.

Even in ideal circumstances where the 2 are perfectly healthy, those vows are still broken and love promised is not fulfilled because love in itself is divine. We can not produce it on our own and for it to last, God has to be present.

What about when 2 come together and the circumstances are less than ideal with one impaired in some sort of way. They need love too and the principle does not change. But why is it that people might look at the one who is not impaired strangely for taking one who is impaired when they had the option of getting someone else not impaired?

But who's to say who's ideal? Is love not about the heart? Ultimately it should be about what's inside and not what's outside. Marriage to one who is not impaired does not mean that it will be ideal as testified to by the at least 50% divorce rate in this country. Though an impairment can be challenging, ultimately, love is about the heart and they need love too.

Just something I was thinking about and thought i should share.

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