Thursday, October 7, 2010

What is healing


This is my first post and so learning the ropes as it were. Will be talking about health of the body and the soul and about me of course if it something of benefit to those who read

What comes to mind when asked the question, "what is health"? This might seem like a no-brainer but is it? What is health?

Is health in the pills we take when we have headaches? Is health in the surgery we have done to remove an organ or a disease process taking place in the body like cancer? When we do these things, what is the goal?

I ask all these questions so that you can take a moment to think about this. We are accustomed to taking pills when we have a headache or when we have a fever. When we do this, are we trying to return to health or what we think health is or we are trying to just alleviate the symptoms?

When a fever takes place, it is usually the body's way of responding to an infection. The fever response which involves raising the body's temperature aids the function of the White blood cells which are the body's defense against the infection which will be taking place in the body. Though the fever is uncomfortable, it is the body's default response designed to aid in fighting the infection. Thus in a "healthy" individual, the healthy response is the fever, and yet we try so hard to kill a fever not realizing that it is actually necessary to achieve a speedy recovery by allowing the body to better fight the infection. An "unhealthy" response of the body would be not to have a fever after contracting an infection. That means the body is not responding as it should.

So we realize from this example that health is not in feeling good because a fever doesn't feel good but it is the body's way of doing what it is supposed to do. By intervening when we try to stop a fever we are actually hindering a healthful response of the body to an infection. We are actually getting in the way when we do this. Now of course there are times we have to intervene, like when the fever gets out of hand threatening the life of the sick individual. But normally, this is the body's natural healthful response to an infection.

So from this so far we realize that a symptom is our friend because it is the manifestation of a compromise in our health, in this case it is the fever. The body's functioning as it should, when it should and how it should is health. If you get a serious infection and the body doesn't respond with a fever then it is responding abnormally by not responding at all. By not responding, there are no symptoms and so one does not even realize that there is a serious infection taking place.

What most of us do is that when we get symptoms, we take pills or something to deal with the symptoms because we think they are the problem. They are not the enemy but our friend because without them, we wouldn't know or realize we have a problem. The enemy is the problem that caused the symptoms to appear. The symptoms are just an extension of the problem. When the root cause of the problem is dealt with, the symptoms disappear. Most symptoms are uncomfortable and so it is only natural to respond by dealing with them. In other cases some might know what the cause is but it might be tied to a darling habit or lifestyle and so dealing with the problem would mean a change in lifestyle by dealing with the habit. Symptoms can be alleviated but the root is still there and won't go away. By dealing with the symptoms, we fool ourselves that the problem is gone, but it is just in hibernation or so it seems. By not dealing with the root cause the body then goes into a state of unhealth, though at first its response was healthy, or as should be because the symptoms showed up. But once the cause persists and is not dealt with, then one becomes unhealthy.

So a quick recap

  1. Health is when the body functions as it should as needed, when needed
  2. Symptoms are our best friend because they let us know something is going on in the body
  3. Symptoms are uncomfortable but most deal with symptoms instead of dealing with the "real problem", the cause of the symptoms
  4. Sometimes we knowingly don't deal with the symptoms because the cause is tied to a darling habit which we don't want to change
  5. Alleviating the symptoms doesn't mean the cause is gone
  6. if cause persists, the body then becomes unhealthy because the problem is not being dealt with

Enough for today but will continue next time.

God Bless


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